Press Releases for yachts

  • 739

    SEA&STYLE: New real-time simulator for 3D visualisations of yachts

    With SEA&STYLE, the thirdDimensionDesign (tDD) media design company presents a new real-time simulator for 3D visualisations of yachts.

    By : SEA&STYLE| 07-21-2017 | Business:Business | Total Views : 739

  • 930

    Adriatic challenges exhibits exclusive of brand new yachts

    Everyone would like spend their summer holidays with water ports events and Adriatic challenge organizes a great boat show at Croatia with hundred of different boats getting docked in one place which is a amazing scenic to experience it.

    By : | 03-31-2010 | Travel:Travel | Total Views : 930

  • 729

    Yachtseek Introduces New Marketing Partnership Programme

    Yacht marketing website has launched a brand new programme aimed to boost boat sales.

    By : | 12-24-2011 | Business:Investment | Total Views : 729

  • 874

    Your own private island that goes wherever you want

    If you fancy your own private island but can’t decide where, this could be the answer.

    By : | 12-05-2011 | Technology:Industrial | Total Views : 874

  • 850

    Yachting's latest social network community

    Blue Ocean Yachting is a new networking site that supplies information, content, news, offers, and products to the yachting community. It provide complete social network for global yachting community. The Social network community includes all of the features and functionality and people who have momentary interest in yachting will find something to go through and enjoy here .Connect and expand your network, Share your photos and videos create your own group or you can join others on this global

    By : | 02-09-2011 | Travel:Travel | Total Views : 850

  • 831

    Lamit Company’s Value Added Marine Communications

    Lamit Company installs the New Age of new fully mobile marine connection solutions, our efforts having brought the maritime satellite connections to the next level.

    By : | 11-23-2010 | Technology:Internet | Total Views : 831

  • 825

    John Rosatti Launches Latest World Class Super Yacht, Remember When

    Successful entrepreneur and yachtsman, John Rosatti recently launched his latest luxury yacht, Remember When.

    By : | 10-22-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 825